Student Account

If you are taking multiple courses which have different start dates, then your total balance is due on the fee payment deadline associated with your earliest start date. 

The tuition and fee cost is contingent on the student's classification as an undergraduate or graduate student, the program the student is enrolled in, as well as the delivery method of the courses taken (on-campus, online, eCore/eMajor, etc.).

Please review our Tuition and Fees page and review the linked fee charts. 

Yes; online check payments (ACH) is a convenient option that allows students to make an online payment without being assessed the additional fee.

For instructions on how to make payments, visit our Payment of Tuition and Fees page.

No; whether paying with a credit card online or in person, the 2.85% processing fee cannot be waived regardless of circumstance. 

The 2.85% fee is how much credit card companies charge when processing transactions. Web Check (ACH) is a convenient option that allows students to make an online payment without being assessed the additional convenience fee.

For instructions on how to make payments, visit our Payment of Tuition and Fees page.

No; all payments must be made online via TouchNet (Credit Card or Electronic Check Only), in person at the Cashier's Office (Cash, Check, or Money Order Only), or by mail by mailing check or cashier's check/money order to:

University of West Georgia
Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services
1601 Maple Street
Aycock Hall, Room 101
Carrollton, GA 30118

For instructions on how to make payments, visit our Payment of Tuition and Fees page.

It is critical for students to maintain up-to-date information on their student account to receive any important information that must be sent to the student by the University.

Some examples of information the Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services may be required to send via standard mail: checks, bills, 1098-T forms, fee payment deadline postcards, and any other important correspondence sent by the University of West Georgia.

Financial aid does not show on your student break down bill until the financial aid office has processed all required documents and information.

If you do not see your financial aid on your student break down bill, please check your student email address for any correspondence from the financial aid office, or you can contact the department at

The University partners with Nelnet to provide students with a payment plan option.

Visit our Payment Plan page for more information.

All student account charges added to the student account before the semester's Fee Payment Deadline are due on the deadline date associated with your courses.  Any charges added to your student account after that semester's Fee Payment Deadline are due immediately. 

Any balance that is considered past due will result in a Fee Payment hold being placed on your account, which will restrict access to registration and transcripts.     

All past due balances are eligible to be sent to collections after 120 days. Please note that students can make as many payments as necessary to fulfill their financial obligation to the university within that 120 day period.  Any account sent to collections will incur additional collection charges and fees.  

Currently, the University of West Georgia does not have a payment plan for past due balances.

The only payment plan that is approved for the University to utilize is for tuition and fees charges prior to the fee payment deadline. All past due balances are eligible to be sent to collections after 120 days. Please note that students can make as many payments as necessary to fulfill their financial obligation to the university within that 120 day period.

For instructions on how to make payments, visit our Payment of Tuition and Fees page

Student Tax Forms

Eligible colleges, or other post-secondary institutions, are required to provide a 1098-T form to any student who paid, or was billed, qualified educational expenses in the preceding tax year. Qualified expenses include tuition, technology fee, institution fee, and any special course fees. Qualified expenses DO NOT include books, room and board, insurance, equipment, transportation, other personal living expenses, or other University of West Georgia mandatory fees (athletic, athletic complex, activity, health, Campus Center, and international fees).

For more information on the 1098-T form, visit our 1098-T Information page.

The University of West Georgia sends out all 1098-T forms to current students and former students who are qualified to receive the 1098-T form no later than January 31st.

The 1098-T form will be sent to the address on file on your my澳门新普京注册 account. Students may also access their form electronically on the TSC 1098-T Web Services site.

Form 1042 is used to report amounts paid to foreign persons that are subject to income tax withholding. If you are eligible to receive a 1042 form, one will be mailed to the address on file by the end of March.

For more information on the 1042 form, visit the IRS About Form 1042 page.


Refunds are issued through the student's BankMobile Vibe account. Students can set their BankMobile account up to auto-transfer to an outside bank if the student does not want to keep track of an additional account. If students do not select this option their funds will be accessible through the debit card associated with the account.

Visit the Wolves Card Office BankMobile page to learn more.

BankMobile is a nation wide bank used by universities to securely disburse student account refunds. The BankMobile Vibe account functions as a normal FDIC insured bank account. Features of the BankMobile Vibe account include, but are not limited to: a Mobile App, a Debit Card, ACH options, access to over 55,000 world-wide ATM, Bill Pay, etc. The BankMobile Vibe account is a checking account that offers strong student protections put in place by the Department of Education regulations and has no monthly fee for students, no overdraft fees and no minimum balance.

Visit the Wolves Card Office BankMobile page to learn more.

Refunds can be delayed for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons refunds are delayed: Courses that begin in later session dates, financial aid needs additional information from the student, and/or the students BankMobile account is not properly set-up.

Once financial aid has been disbursed onto the student account (generally 10-14 business days after the beginning of the term), refunds take 5-7 business days to process onto the students BankMobile account. Please see above for reasons why this processing could be delayed.

If a student fails to receive the introduction packet from BankMobile, they will need to contact BankMobile at 1-866-894-1141 or contact the card office at to request an instant code.

To receive a replacement BankMobile Vibe card you will need to contact BankMobile customer service directly at 1-866-894-1141. There is a $20.00 replacement fee assessed by BankMobile. If you have never had a BankMobile Vibe card, please contact the card office at

If a student chooses not to set up their BankMobile account, BankMobile will send a paper check to the student's address on file. Please note that this may result in a delay in receiving the refund.

BankMobile’s customer service number is: 1-866-894-1141